Don't Take Life Too Seriously

I have been thinking a lot lately about 2020 and how different it has been for everyone, and I keep coming back to this picture of myself from January 2019. It seems like so long ago and only yesterday at the same time. I had been up since 4am and it was one of my first photoshoots (yes, I never had a professional photoshoot until after I won Miss Colorado USA). I think this picture captures so much, and it’s the energy I want to bring to the remaining portion of 2020. Don’t take life too seriously.

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I remember being dirt poor here, insecure because my face was constantly breaking out, and feeling like I didn’t deserve to be Miss Colorado USA because I wasn’t experienced enough or not ‘pageant’ enough…. but when I see this photo, I don’t see those insecurities or doubt popping up. I see a girl who living in the moment and not taking life too seriously.

My reason for sharing this with you today is two fold. One, don’t get caught up in the highlight reels of social media and internet, and feel bad about yourself. No one’s everyday is that glamourous. Seriously, I mean that NO ONE’s. No one is showing you them taking the trash out, or waking up with sleep in their eyes looking like a hot mess from the night before, no one is showing you the boring shit, no one is showing you the dumb emails they get, or them folding laundry wear yesterday’s pajamas….. real life isn’t always glamorous and it isn’t meant to be.

Two, Don’t take life too seriously. I struggle with this a lot sometimes. Being goal oriented and driven means that sometimes it’s hard to take time to just enjoy life, but you should! That’s when the magic happens. The best photos I ever take are when I’m dancing around or have a song stuck in my head the entire time. I am enjoying myself so it shows through in the photos. The best work I do with other people is when I smile when speaking with them on the phone… seriously it works.

This whole year has been challenging for everyone, and we have no idea what lies ahead, but we can remember to not take life too seriously. Next time you feel ‘off’, I encourage you to do something that you enjoy and helps you take life a little less seriously.

As always, Thank you for reading!

