Gratitude Tips

With tomorrow being Thanksgiving, and tomorrow most likely being different than it has been prior for a lot of us, I thought it would a great time to share some gratitude tips, not just for Thanksgiving, but for everyday.

The attitude of gratitude (cue a very enthusiastic voice when reading that), but seriously attitude is everything and so is the energy you surround yourself with. This year has been full change and uncertainty which can cause uncomfortable feelings. We all have felt this at one point or another this year and in years prior. I think it is important to be so grateful for everything we have and don’t have. Even when faced with adversity, instead of feeling sorry for ourselves it’s important to feel the moment and how much it sucks, but also feel how much of a badass you are because you are going to get through it.

I personally, have an unwavering faith in knowing everything will work out. I believe in God, as I’m sure many of you know by now, but most importantly I believe in myself. I challenge you next time you’re facing something challenging to dig deep and believe in yourself more than you ever have before. I think you will be shocked at how strong you really are.

Below are some tips that I do regularly to practice gratitude

  1. Journal - I know I bring up journaling a lot, but that’s because it works. I write down three things I’m grateful for everyday. Usually it’s little things, like my coffee, or sunshine, or the ability to make my own decisions. I am not naive to the fact that women in many parts of the world would never be able to do what I do everyday, and I do not want to take that for granted. You can do this in a notebook, or on your phone when you’re on the toilet instead of Instagramming, or on a sticky note…..really anywhere.

  2. Get Outside Yourself - Have you ever noticed yourself having a crummy day, and it just seems to get worse. It’s almost like you’re Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh and a rain cloud is following you? I know when I feel like this, it’s because I’m too far inside my own problems. I have found that getting outside myself, whether that’s just looking around and soaking in how lucky I am to be alive, or getting lost in a book. It makes me feel more grateful to be me in whatever mess of a day I’m having. If I’m having a super crummy day and attitude, I’ll make sure to do something for someone else to really feel how lucky I am to have the ability to help someone.

  3. Connection- I am not referring to your social media feed here. I am referring to connecting with those you love. I know if I am lacking in gratitude, I love to FaceTime my nieces because I instantly feel so blessed that FaceTime exists to where I can see them even thousands of miles away.

  4. Stop Comparing- I think the hardest and most incredible thing about the time we live in is social media. It’s easy to get lost in comparison and feeling like we are inadequate because of someone we saw on the internet. We’ve all been there. First, remember you are in control of what content you see. You are also in control of your own life. I used to struggle with this ALOT. I didn’t grow up with money which became obvious to me when I started competing in pageants, it also became obvious to me that I was going to have to work harder than most people to be in shape. I used to think, :” Fuck! This is not fair, just if my life was different.” Then one day my dad apologized to me about not being rich, and it was like a ran into a brick wall and got smack to the ground like a cartoon character. Ding! Light bulb goes off in my head, I may not have money or have an easy time getting in shape, but I am me, and I am capable of anything I set my mind to. No one ever promised life would be easy, but shifting my mindset to a grateful mindset has helped me appreciate my imperfect life , and I’m sure it will help you. Spoiler Alert: Nothing on the internet is exactly what it seems.

  5. Get Outside - I think it is nearly impossible to feel ungrateful if you’re out in nature no matter where you are. The earth is such an extraordinary gift. Take 10 minutes to go outside, breathe, and just be… count the birds or planes or clouds in the sky, having gratitude towards the outdoors and your environment will lift your spirits.

I hope some of these tips will help you practice gratitude and feel lighter when you’re feeling low. If this holiday is harder than usual for you, don’t hesitate to reach out.

As always thank you for reading!

